Do Thi Thu Hoan


  • Member of Teaching Board at Khi Tam Academy
  • Coach at Khi Tam Yoga Therapy


  • Certificate of Hatha yoga 200hrs Alliance USA
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Certificate 300hrs
  • Certificate of Recovery 300hrs
  • Certificate of Meditation Instructor 100hrs
  • Certificate of Khi Tam Massage 35hrs
  • Yoga Federation Certificate

Currently teaching at Khi Tam Academy:


If you choose a career as a yoga instructor, it means that you have or are trying to have a balance life. You know how to love and take care of yourself. A person who loves himself will know how to love others, and will have a specific life purpose, and always strive to live a meaningful life.

Favorite Quote: “The most glorious victory is to conquer yourself”

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