“Chakra” means “Wheels” or Spinning Discs of Energy. The main chakras are the points containing the vital energy, prana, the vital body. The function of the chakras is to rotate and attract energy from the Universe to sustain human life. When any chakra is weakened or disturbed, it affects the five bodies of a person: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

The following test consists of 35 questions that will be a relative assessment of your 7 chakra health status at the moment. You can give yourself 10 to 15 minutes of silence, take the test in the most relaxed mood so that the test is objective, not affected by temporary mood.

The test is not of a religious nature, suitable for all subjects from 18 years of age and older.

Test results will be returned via email within 24 hours.

[multi-step-form id=”2″] var typingTimer; var doneTypingInterval = 1000; var $input = jQuery(‘#msf-numeric-Điện-thoại-liên-hệ’); //on keyup, start the countdown $input.on(‘keyup’, function () { clearTimeout(typingTimer); typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); }); //on keydown, clear the countdown $input.on(‘keydown’, function () { clearTimeout(typingTimer); }); //user is “finished typing,” do something function doneTyping () { var value = $input.val(); var phoneno = /(84|0[3|5|7|8|9])+([0-9]{8})\b/gi; var message = ‘Bạn nhập sai định dạng số điện thoại, vui lòng chỉ nhập số liên hệ tại Việt Nam !’; if(value.match(phoneno)) { jQuery(‘.fw-button-next’).removeAttr(‘disabled’); } else { alert(message); jQuery(‘.fw-button-next’).attr(‘disabled’, true); } }